
Spinosa Costruzioni Generali Spa carries out its business in compliance with the principles of quality of work, protection of the environment, protection of health and safety in the workplace and prevention of corruption. The Company makes these values its own and therefore adheres to the regulations UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, UNI EN ISO 45001:2018, UNI EN ISO 14001:2015, UNI EN ISO 37001:2016, UNI EN ISO 20400:2017, e SA 8000, guarantee of the reliability of company procedures. The Company is also SOA qualified for the categories and classifications as per the qualification certificate issued by Quaser Certificazioni Srl.


Integrated policy QSA_rev02

UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

We operate in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard for the EA 28 sector in the design, construction, maintenance and renovation of civil and infrastructural engineering works and the restoration of assets subject to protection.

UNI EN ISO 14001:2015

The Company recognize the severity of environmental problems; therefore, we have obtained the UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015 certification gaining the following advantages: reduction of environmental risks and costs related to environmental factors and greater competitiveness on the market.

UNI ISO 45001:2018

We operate in accordance with the UNI EN ISO 45001: 2018 standard, the first internationally recognized standard on health and safety management in the workplace, and we are committed to ensure a safe work environment for all our employees by adopting the best available standards.

SA 8000

Through the achievement of the SA 8000 standard, CEPAA international certification standard, aimed at certifying relevant aspects of corporate management related to corporate social responsibility. Our Company is committed to improve working conditions, ensuring: respect for human rights, workers’ rights, protection against the exploitation of minors, guarantees of safety and healthiness in the workplace.

UNI ISO 37001:2016

Company Policy for the Prevention of Corruption

Management System to prevent corruption UNI ISO 37001
SPINOSA Costruzioni Generali Spa has adopted a Management System to prevent corruption, which is integrated into an organic framework based on the current rules for preventing and corruption provided by “The 231 Organizational Model”. A fundamental element of the Management System for the Prevention of Corruption is the “Policy for the prevention of corruption” which is aimed at the employees of SPINOSA Costruzioni Generali Spa and, in general, at all our stakeholders and illustrates the fundamental principles as well as the measures to prevent corruption adopted by our company.

Reporting suspicions
The company favors and allows to report, in good faith or on the basis of reasonable belief, attempted, alleged and actual acts of corruption or any violation or deficiency related to the Management System for the Prevention of Corruption. The procedure for reporting suspicions can be activated by consulting the following link Whistleblowing.

ISO 20400:2017

To demonstrate the importance that the company attributes to sustainability, we have achieved the ISO 20400:2017 certification which concerns the implementation of a sustainable procurement process. Certification represents the standard for the integration of social responsibility into the organization’s sourcing policies and processes.

ISO 30415 em.1

​Controlla i dettagli 132 / 5.000 Risultati della traduzione Risultato di traduzione Our organization was found to comply with the applicable requirements of ISO 30415:2021 (Diversity & Inclusion) Evaluation – Ed. May 2022. Diversity & Inclusion has a pivotal importance for us and is addressed through a structured approach that allows us to provide a concrete commitment to our People.

UNI PdR 125 em.1

Our Management System was verified and found to comply with UNI/PdR 125:2022 practice for measures to guarantee gender equality in the workplace.

SOA certifications

Category OG 1
Classification VIII

Category OG 2
Classification VIII

Category OG 3
Classification IV bis

Category OG 4
Classification IV

Category OG 6
Classification V

Category OG 9
Classification II

Category OG 10
Classification I

Category OG 11
Classification V

Category OG 13
Classification III

Category OS 6
Classification III bis

Category OS 9
Classification II

Category OS 21
Classification V

Category OS 24
Classification II

Category OS 28
Classification III

Category OS 30
Classification VI