Spinosa for Culture and Society

Our passion for art, literature, music, architecture
Art and culture are not marginal principles for our Group, they represent an important added value of our Company philosophy.
The strong social and cultural commitment is a central activity of our Group and thanks to the sensitivity of Mrs. Veronica Spinosa, the business owner, and her passion about art, literature and music, the Company has promoted and supported over the years various projects in the artistic, training and educational fields, such as: “Molise Cultura Poietika Foundation”, “Wunderkammer Association”, “Pro Loco Tourist Association G. Caldora of the Municipality of Castel Del Giudice.
Figurative art, architecture, literature, music, are equally valued, supported and made public. Not only art and culture, Mrs. Veronica Spinosa is a founding member of the association “Il Carcere Possibile Onlus” which pursues the goal of social, civil and cultural solidarity towards the detained population, favoring the work reintegration of young ex inmates of the juvenile prison of Nisida. The donations to these associations and cultural events are a tangible proof of this precious commitment.

Spinosa and its SPORT commitment

Spinosa and its SPORT commitment
Our Company is the official sponsor of many sporting events in the region and it is the tangible proof of the 360° Company commitment to sport and territory.
Spinosa has in fact sponsored sporting events, such as, for example, the “Corrisernia” marathon organized by the Molise Region Department of Sport and Tourism and the Municipality of Isernia in 2019, sports clubs including, Basket Isernia – Il Globo, the Isernia ASD Basketball Academy and the Isernia Volleyball A.S.D..
